BCC&I National Committee of Shipping & Logistics - Introduction

The National Committee of Shipping and Logistics is one of the most active Committees of The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCC&I). The Committee is in its continuous endeavour to address the concerned issues related to Shipping, Ports and Trade related activities, Inland Waterways, Customs and other service providers at the port, Exim Trade, Road Transportation, Railways, Air, Warehousing, Cold Chains, E-Commerce, Logistics, etc in India and to the extent overseas. Besides, the Committee deals with matters like Policy Advocacy, etc and frequently interacts with the Central and State governments on issues concerning its members and often non-members. The suggestions/proposals of the Committee are dealt by competent authority and a prompt action is taken to resolve the matter.

Committee Composition:

Shipping Capt. S. B. Mazumder

Mentor, National Committee of Shipping & Logistics, BCC&I and Executive Director, Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd.

Shipping Mr. Debasish Dutta

Chairperson, National Committee of Shipping & Logistics, BCC&I and Director, BGS GROUP (B G Somadder & Sons Pvt Ltd).

Shipping Mr. Ashutosh Jaiswal

Co-Chairperson, National Committee of Shipping & Logistics, BCC&I and President - International Business Division & Logistics, Century Plyboards (India) Limited.

Shipping Col. Shubhransh Srivastav

Co-Chairperson, National Committee of Shipping & Logistics, BCC&I and Vice President Corporate Affairs, DP World (SCO Region).

Shipping Mr. Sabyasachi Hajara

Advisor, National Committee of Shipping & Logistics, BCC&I and Director, Apeejay Shipping Limited.
Ex - CMD, Shipping Corporation of India.

Mr. Pramod Kumar Srivastava, Managing Director, Allied ICD Services Ltd.
Mr. Adhip Nath Palchaudhuri, CMD, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
Mr. Tapas Banerjee, Managing Director, Everett (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Himanshu Ranjan, Executive Director, Indian Oil Corporation Limited.
Mr. Shoumik Bose, Director, Ripley & Co. Stevedoring & Handling Private Limited.
Mr. Arup Bandhu Guha, Vice President, Samsara Group.
Mr. Subhash Kumar Das, Executive Director, Steel Authority of India Ltd.
Mr. Dinesh Shastri, Managing Director, TM International Logistics Limited (TMILL).
Mr. Shantanu Verma, Chief - Shipping Services, Tata Steel Limited.
Capt. Abhijit Das, Branch Head - Kolkata, United Liner Shipping Services LLP.
Mr. Subhojit Ray, Partner, Victor Moses & Co (Solicitors, Advocates & Trademark Attorneys).
Mr. Lalit Beriwala, Director, A L Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
Capt. Dhiraj Pahuja,Chief Executive Officer, Apeejay Shipping Limited.
Mr. Surajit Sarkar, CEO, GIR Logistics Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Aviral Jain, Director, Pristine Hindustan Infraprojects Pvt Ltd.
Capt. Sanjiv Dhir, Vice President - Shipping, Rawmet Resources Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Shrey Tayal, Director, Riverine Group.
Capt. Ravi Dey, Maritime Consultant, SeaTec UK Ltd.
Mr. Sagar Khastagir, Partner, Sure Data Keeping System.
Mr. Sudip Kumar Dey, Director, Haridas Chunder Clearing Agents Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Subin Sudhakar, Senior Manager, Cochin Shipyard Limited.
Mr. Prithish Biswas, Director, Biswas & Associates Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Parvez Rahman, MD, India Transport & Travel (Private) Ltd.
Mr. Sushil Agarwal, VP, CJ Darcl Logistics.

Activities of the Committee:
The National Shipping and Logistics Committee of The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been organizing one of the largest Annual Shipping and Logistics Conclaves of Eastern India for the last thirteen years focusing on the need and development of the Shipping and Logistics sector, underlying the opportunities particularly related to operational issues pertaining to ports, waterways and logistic sector. It has also been a part, along with its industry stakeholders, in preparing a Way Forward to bring in further development and growth of this sector. The Conclave in the past had been addressed by Hon'ble Minister of State (IC), Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) and Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India, Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and MSME, Government of India, and Jt. Secretary (Logistics), Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and senior Shipping sector players from countries like Norway, Singapore, Netherlands, USA, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar.

Apart from the Annual Conclave the Committee organizes: Workshops, Management Development Programmes (MDP)/ Certification Courses, Trade Meets etc.

This year also the committee organized 5th edition of 3 -day Management Development Programme in November 2024 and current planning to organize the 14th edition of the Annual Shipping and Logistics Conclave 2025: Northeast Edition on 28th January 2025 in Guwahati. The conclave aims to highlight the following topics:

1. Logistical viability of transporting goods to and from North East India.
2. Feasibility of establishing a Multimodal Logistics Park and Allied Infrastructure.
3. Strategies to enhance employability and international trade for the Seven Sisters.

Our programmes are attended by Domestic and Exim Traders, representatives from the Shipping Lines, Shipping Agents, Port Officials, Freight Forwarders and Logistics Service Providers, Vessel and Barge Owners and Operators, representatives from the Ship and barge building and repairing industry, Start-ups, Supply Chain Operators, Maritime Institutes and members of the Chamber.

Past Event Photographs & Year Wise Conclave details:
Shipping & Logistics Conclaves from Year 2011 to Current Year

Contact Us: For any query or further information, please get in touch with:

Ms. Sukanya Bose
Director, BCC&I
Cell: 9830296033
Email: sukanya@bengalchamber.com

Shipping and Logistics Committee Meeting held on 10th May 2022 at 4 p.m. at The Bengal Chamber premises

Shipping and Logistics Committee Meeting held on 26th May 2022 at 4 p.m. at The Bengal Chamber premises