Picture Gallery: The Bengal Chamber's Mangrove Project - Reverse Climate Change

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1. Project Report (.pdf)
2. World Soil Day Report (.pdf)

A Skill Training-Mangrove Restoration-Livelihood Generation Project

The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCC&I) is spearheading a transformative Mangrove Restoration and Carbon Offsetting Projects in the Sundarbans, targeting the Gangasagar and Kultali blocks of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal.

Reverse Climate Change (RCC) is a groundbreaking initiative and a unique partnership-based environment project involving governments, corporates, institutions and individuals.

RCC is unique and a standalone in nature because it is a holistic project with large number of stakeholders and aims at multiple benefits both for environment and for community.

The project commences with Skill Training and Certification of 5000 people of Sundarbans. Training is being conducted under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 4.0 (PMKVY 4.0), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Short Term Training (STT) module on Mangrove Nursery Raising and Planting. After completion of a 390-hours training programme, each one of them would be assessed and certified. Hence, Government plays a major role as a partner in Reverse Climate Change Project.

The skill training is designed based on the skill demand for this area of work. BCC&I is implementing major mangrove plantation and maintenance projects through the support of CSR Funds and Carbon Sequestration Projects. Community people who have been trained under PMKVY 4.0 are absorbed in these projects which is generating considerable livelihood for the community. Hence, Corporate plays a major role as a partner in Reverse Climate Change Project.

Considering the vastness and scale of the project, people's participation plays a crucial role in making the initiative impactful and replicable. As part of the project, we celebrate some calendar days which are marked as special for protecting the earth from exploitation. These days include World Environment Day, World Soil Day etc. On such days, we appeal for people's participation as conscious citizens to get involved in our project, Reverse Climate Change, in whatever way they wish. Hence, People play a major role as a partner in Reverse Climate Change Project.

The project is designed to achieve five key objectives:
1. Skill Development
2. Massive Livelihood Generation
3. Protection of Biodiversity
4. Community-Led Ecosystem Protection
5. Carbon Sequestration


Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Tapasi Das, Sagar, 9332919409
Under the Bengal Chamber's NSDC program, I have learned how to plant mangroves and prepare nursery beds. The OJT experience taught me even more, and I'm proud to contribute to such a meaningful social and ecological mission. I look forward to staying connected with this program.

Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Uma Mondal, Sagar, 9679248463
I've learned how to prepare seedlings and feel very happy after completing the OJT and receiving the payment. It gives me a sense of purpose knowing that I am contributing to a greener planet. I want to continue working in the mangrove field to make a difference.

Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Trishna Patra Das, 8207250333
Through my training with the Bengal Chamber, I gained knowledge about mangrove nursery raising and plantation. I'm grateful for the money I earned during the OJT and feel confident about teaching others what I've learned. I hope to remain involved with the Chamber's initiatives.

Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Uma Nayak Das, 9064309411
I was trained in mangrove plantation and nursery work, including how to space the plants correctly. It feels amazing to know that my work is helping restore mangroves and protect the environment. I am excited to continue contributing to this mission.

Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Sujata Roy Panigrahi, 7319377897
I learned the skills to raise mangrove nurseries and gained practical knowledge during the OJT. The money I earned has been a great help, and I feel proud to contribute to both my community and the planet's well-being and would like to impart my knowledge to others.

Bengal Chamber Mangrove Project

Manika Jana, 9735318061
I am very thankful for this training program. I worked on the mangrove plantation project for 5 days and earned ₹1,625. This money has helped me support my family, and I feel proud to be part of something that helps the environment too. I am looking forward to more such opportunities.