On this page: Metals Conclaves : Year 2015 onwards till Year 2022.
Links: Minerals, Mining & Metals Conclaves - Year 2023 | Year 2024 | Year 2025
The Metals Committee previously known as the Steel committee, is one of the oldest committees of the Bengal Chamber functioning from prior to 2014, has been
actively involved in addressing relevant issues particular to the sector. The Committee has organised flagship events which have witnessed the presence of
various industry leaders, Government representatives and various stakeholders over the years.
The Minerals and Mining Committee a comparatively newly minted committee of the Chamber has started functioning since 2019. The Committee with the objective
of providing a forum for interaction between members belonging to the Minerals, Mining and allied sectors and to focus on issues to be taken up with the
Governments at the State and Centre have been successful in bringing the important stakeholders under one platform to discuss and address issues pertaining
to the sector. The first Minerals and Mining Conclave was held in Delhi, in July 2019.
However, we have understood that certain issues of the Metals sector and the Minerals and the Mining sector are interlinked and many areas cannot be
approached separately for resolving the constraints.
Thus, the Minerals and Mining Committee along with the Metals Committee started addressing the interlinked issues taking initiatives to make ministries
of both sectors aware of each other's problems, taking care of the business interests both the sectors and at the same time keeping in mind the economic and societal importance.
Hence looking at the society at large, the environment and the country's economic growth has come into the purview of the committee's activity.
The committees remained active even during the pandemic days and have organised programmes virtually. The "Minerals Mining and the Metals e-Conclave"
was held both in 2020 and 2021 and has become a flagship event of the Bengal Chamber.