In this grim situation world-over, as a socially responsible University, Adamas
has come forward to contribute their best to this battle
against COVID19.
Carrying forward the clarion call of their Chancellor,
Prof Samit Ray, also the Chairman of RICE Education,
they have handed over their campus to the Government of
West Bengal for a temporary quarantine hospital for
immediate relief to many.
Adamas as a University has contributed a million rupees
at the start, and now is also contributing a part of
their March salaries too.They (each School and
Department of the University) are getting ready for a
series of measures through research, writing, creative
expressions, guidelines for society, projects, survey
reports etc to help the battle against the dreaded
disease go to the next level in our part of the world.
Here they have shared the start of this campaign, which
they are calling #AdamasUniversityCares, through a short
film on their decision to hand over their campus for
hospital and the profound response of the national media
and the government.